TWILA Aftershow - January 28, 2022 — This Week in Louisiana Agriculture

TWILA Podcast

A look behind-the-scenes of This Week In Louisiana Agriculture.


TWILA Aftershow - 01-28-22


In the first Aftershow of 2022, we’re welcoming the newest member of the TWILA Team, Breann Hendrickson! For her first assignment, TWILA’s Breann Hendrickson braved the cold at the 2022 LSU AgCenter Botanical Gardens at Burden’s Arbor Day celebrations. We’re rebooting Feasting on Agriculture with TWILA’s Kristen Oaks-White, and we talk about a new variety of rice and gumbo roux. We also talk about sweet potatoes, Louisiana rice, and a lot of events coming up across the state that are very important to those graduating high school soon and applying to scholarships!



This Week in Louisiana Agriculture is a weekly show created to connect Louisiana farmers, ranchers, and fishermen with consumers across Louisiana and around the world. Each week, we’ll take a look behind-the-scenes of This Week In Louisiana Agriculture, one of the longest-running television programs in Louisiana.

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